UNEVOC Network Coaction Initiative 2023

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The UNEVOC Centre at Shenzhen Polytechnic University (SZPU) has spearheaded the UNEVOC Network Coaction Initiative 2023, focusing on 'Capacity Building for Digital Transformation in TVET'. This initiative, featuring a series of four webinars running from September to November 2023, aims to enhance the digital competencies and mindset of leaders, program directors, and key teachers/trainers from six UNEVOC Centres across the Asia Pacific region.During the third webinar held on October 12, 2023, which focused on "Digital Education Technologies, Digital Pedagogies, and Open Educational Resources (OERs)," the 21st Teach Skills (21TS) platform was highlighted. As a global OERs platform, and a significant project developed with the participation of SZPT, it was introduced to TVET leaders, program directors, and key educators/trainers from countries including Pakistan, Cambodia, Malaysia, and Singapore. The 21TS platform's role in advancing digital education and fostering a global exchange of knowledge and resources in TVET was emphasized.


